What .. sold out already I hear you ask.
If you’ve been smooching around the pages of maisie & clare over the last few months you’ll have noticed that some products come and go very quickly. There’s a couple of reasons for that:
- Lots more people shopping online.

- Suppliers are also low on stock.
I feel for suppliers who are waiting on stock to arrive from overseas and due to Covid19 restriction in different countries and less than normal inbound freight traffic, they too are low on stock. They are also working on restricted numbers to adhere to social distancing guidelines so have fewer staff to dispatch stock from their warehouses to retailers.
Ideally I’d love to be able to highlight “coming soon” or “sold out” or “out of stock” and that way you would have a better idea if your favourite item is coming back anytime soon. My system only allows me to use one description, so if you see a product online that states “sold out” it will most often mean it is coming back; confusing I know 😂 Click through to the product and you may find some more detail re anticipated return dates. I may also list some homewares for pre-order if they are less than a week from landing here.
There’s been a few queries lately about where the stock is made. In all honesty they are made all over the world, including UK, India, Japan, China, Bangladesh, Portugal, Australia, Vietnam and even locally here in Albury. I am constantly looking for new homewares and home decor items and will continue to make purchasing choices based on products that are the right fit for maisie & clare both in terms of authenticity and cost.
All said and done, my main advice is ... if you see it and love it, best you don’t hesitate.
Feel free to also contact me through the contact page, or online via Facebook or Instagram if you need more detail on a product.